Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
360 results
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Overview of Health & Wellness Resorts Market, Sochi, Russia.

This publication focuses on the market of wellness resorts of Sochi, Russia. In light of heightened media attention to Sochi, we examine the market evolution caused by the recent social & economic changes and development opportunities in the market.

2012 European Hotel Transactions

Total European hotel transaction volume reached approximately €5.6 billion in 2012, a decrease of 21% on the €7.1 billion recorded in 2011.

HVS European Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2013

This year's European Hotel Valuation Index (HVI) covers 32 hotel markets across Europe. The article provides values per room as well as year-on-year percentage changes. Additionally, the HVI provides a five-year forecast and a volatility index.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2012/13

The HVS Hotel Development Cost Survey 2012/13 reveals construction cost ranges for hotel projects. Changes in the hotel development cycle and the construction industry are reflected in the current data.

Hotel Capitalization Rates Stabilize as Market Forces Create State of Equilibrium

Hotel capitalization rates are stabilizing due to the counter balancing forces of a healthy transaction market, a shortage of product for sale, the low cost of capital and the slowing of net income gains.

Extraordinary Growth Opportunities in Indonesia for Hotel Chains

Extraordinary growth opportunities in Indonesia for developers, investors and hotel chains in the next 10 years

German Bank Survey: There is money for hotel lending!

HVS London conducted a comprehensive survey with ten major German banks that are active in hotel lending. The survey assesses the investment activities and sentiment in German hotel lending. Presented in this article are the results and trends.

Umfrage Unter Deutschen Banken: Gute Chancen auf Hotelkredite?

HVS London führte eine umfassende und vertrauliche Umfrage bei den zehn größten deutschen Banken durch, die momentan Kredite an Hotels vergeben. Die Ergebnisse und Trends sind in diesem Artikel zusammengefasst.

Tripoli, Libya A Three Part Tale: Before, During and After

A three part tale of the hotel market in Tripoli, Libya. Looks at the hotel market before the civil war in 2011, during and after the uprising and provides an outlook for the future of hotel development and investment.
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