Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
360 results
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Edinburgh Market Snapshot

Edinburgh is the second most visited city in the UK and its hotel market demonstrated strong resilience in the past 18 months. We explore hotel supply and demand, seasonality, recent transactions, the hotel pipeline and average values per room.

The Parisian Hotel Market - Illuminations from the City of Light - French Version

This article presents an overview of hotel performance for the Paris market and provides our views on expected performance for the next three years. We also discuss the transactions market, values per room and new investors over the last year.

The Paris Hotel Market - Illuminations from the City of Light

This article presents an overview of hotel performance for the Paris market and provides our views on expected performance for the next three years. We also discuss the transactions market, values per room and new investors over the last year.

Upscale Hotel Market, Brussels, Belgium

This article discusses the performance and investment environment of the upscale hotel market in Brussels over the last few years and presents our forecast of how it will perform in the coming years.

2011 Middle East Hotel Survey - Shifting Sands

The Middle East Hotel Survey 2011 includes 352 hotels and some 93,500 hotel rooms (an increase of 36% on last year) across 52 cities in the Middle East, making it one of the most reliable benchmarking surveys in the region.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2010

The 2009/10 hotel development survey reports updated per-room development costs through the end of 2010. This year's survey reveals a range of factors impacting the turnkey cost of hotel development.”

Quando vale a pena investir em hotéis?

De uma maneira simplista, um investimento é vantajoso sempre que sua rentabilidade esperada for maior que a de outros investimentos com nível de risco menor ou igual ao do considerado.

Environment Responsive Solutions For Hospitality

This article focuses on methods that may be employed by hotels to be more environment friendly in their operations.

Comparative Capitalization Rate Study

A review of the differentials in capitalization rates based on location and property type over a ten year period.
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