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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Building a Case for the Future: Determining if Now is the Right Time to Buy

HVS Hodges Ward Elliott has analyzed the major fundamentals of the hotel industry and current trends in other sectors of commercial real estate to determine how investors can capitalize on the current market.

Managing through a Recession Without Destroying a Hotel's Long-Term Value

While it is important to take actions during a recession to respond to economic conditions, it is also important to know when not to do something that causes short- and long-term harm to an asset.

What Credit Crunch? More Luxury for New Money

This article investigates how luxury is currently perceived, the main drivers of demand for luxury accommodation, the current and future supply of luxury hotels, and the leading luxury brands in Europe.

Hotelería en Argentina - Fuerte expansión del rubro en todo el país

HVS Buenos Aires participa activamente del desarrollo de emprendimientos hoteleros y turísticos en la Argentina, acompañando el crecimiento de un sector en pleno auge.

Hotel Management Contracts In Europe

This article reviews the main terms of a typical European hotel management contract. Note that the terms and definitions provided below are broad indications and that any of these terms can vary depending on various factors.

Get Involved in the Legislative Process

Mid-term elections prompted me to reflect back on how my interest in being active in the political process evolved. Some define "active in the political process" as voting in elections while others define it as being a politician or a lobbyist.
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