Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Fact or Folly: A Review of Convention Center Follies

This article responds to Heywood Sanders’ book Convention Center Follies. It argues for a more moderate picture of the state of supply and demand in the convention industry, and it critiques Sanders’ narrative of convention center development.

In Focus: Washington, DC

As economic recovery resumes and tourism strengthens, Washington, D.C. remains a top draw for leisure, convention, and government demand, with area hotels achieving some of the highest RevPAR levels in the nation.

HVS U.S. Lodging Tax Study 2013

The 2013 HVS U.S. Lodging Tax Study explores the trends in the imposition of lodging taxes in the United States. This updated version expands the study to provide lodging tax rates/collections in all 50 states and the 150 largest US cities.

Segmenting Millennial Travelers Business vs. Leisure

How do you gain the loyalty of millennials? This article analyzes the top two opportunities by segmenting the next generation of travel: millennial business travelers vs. millennial leisure travelers.

Bargain Hunting for Luxury Hotels

A comparison of the luxury hotel markets in Berlin, Prague and Warsaw.

A New Breed Of Traveller – How Consumers Are Driving Change In The Hotel Industry

This article highlights how hotel companies are starting to embrace the demands of modern travellers. We have interviewed a number of high-level hotel executives from international hotel companies to see what they make of this new era.

Spotlight on Morocco: Marrakech's Luxury Hotel Market

This article explores what effects increased visitation and other changes in the market are likely to have on the demand/supply balance in Marrakech's luxury hotel sector. We also provide a performance forecast up to 2016.

What Lodging Taxes tell us about the Great Recession

HVS Convention, Sports and Entertainment analyzed lodging tax revenue across the country to assess the health of the lodging industry. Changes in taxable room revenue show the rate of recovery from the Great Recession.

Clearwater Beach, The Vision is Realized

Over the last 20 years, Clearwater Beach has made a complete transformation from the traditional “mom and pop” hotel products to a true nationally recognized hotel market.

The Greater China Update – 3rd Quarter 2013, 香港华盛国际呈献: 大中华地区更新 - 2013年第三季度

Markets are adjusting to the new normal – long-haul demand in short supply 市场正在适应新的变化–长期的供不应求
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