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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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HVS Hong Kong presents: The Greater China Update - 1st Quarter 2013

Hong Kong visitor arrivals were driven by mainland Chinese visitors, while greater China faces a headwind.

2012 European Hotel Transactions

Total European hotel transaction volume reached approximately €5.6 billion in 2012, a decrease of 21% on the €7.1 billion recorded in 2011.

Cairo Sharm El Sheikh Before and After

Cairo Sharm El Sheikh, Before and After examines the episode between 2011 and 2012. The hospitality sector in Egypt endured the backlash and the repercussions of the infamously titled Arab Spring, with the hotel sector being one of the hardest hit.

Košice: a hidden tourist gem?

Despite its beauty, friendly people and relatively good weather, Košice remains an unknown destination.This article highlights the potential of a relatively untapped market that is bound to see growth in the coming years.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2012/13

The HVS Hotel Development Cost Survey 2012/13 reveals construction cost ranges for hotel projects. Changes in the hotel development cycle and the construction industry are reflected in the current data.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Business relocations and expansions are one sign of Oklahoma City’s economic strength since the recent recession; increasing hotel tax revenues, greater demand, and new supply demonstrate the strength of the city’s hotel sector.

Hotel Capitalization Rates Stabilize as Market Forces Create State of Equilibrium

Hotel capitalization rates are stabilizing due to the counter balancing forces of a healthy transaction market, a shortage of product for sale, the low cost of capital and the slowing of net income gains.

GCC 2012 A Region in Review

2012 was a year of change, from an economic, political and social perspective. Newly elected and re-elected leaders sought to reform and revive, while international visitation fluctuated as a result of the rehabilitation of certain destinations.

Demand High, Hotel Supply Low in Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota

Billions of barrels of unextracted oil have drawn masses of companies, crews, and support personnel to parts of Montana and North Dakota. The boom could last for decades, prompting the need for new hotels.

HVS Hotel Market Update: Colorado Springs Hotels in the Wake of the Waldo Canyon Fire

Wildfires ravaged lives and infrastructure on the northwest of Colorado Springs, setting off a scramble for hotel rooms. As the city rebuilds, major projects—including multimillion-dollar hotel renovations—aim to put the local economy back on track.
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