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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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В этом выпуске отчета HVS освещает подъемы и падения рынков России, СНГ и Грузии, а также помогает кредиторам, инвесторам и владельцам расширить представление о данном регионе с точки зрения оценки.

South American Market Overview 2011

The recent performance of South America in terms of economic growth and political and institutional stability has attracted interest among investors in the region offering significant opportunities for potential investors.

After the Storm: Germany in the Spotlight

HVS has prepared a comprehensive hotel performance analysis of the most important primary and secondary German cities between 2008 and H1 2011.For each city we highlight the recent hotel performance and forecast until 2014.

Boutique Segment – The Challenge of Standing Out from the Crowd

As the boutique hotel sector continues to grow, operators must work harder to create a point of difference for their properties as well as to maintain a sense of exclusivity and aspiration, as we investigate this further in the following article.

The Real Estate and Hotel Industries in South America and the US Dollar at Risk of Losing its Position as Reference Currency

How could this affect countries like Argentina and Uruguay, where the American dollar has historically been the only reference currency? Is it time to think of other options like those used in Brazil or Chile?

The New Dawn in the Land of the Midnight Sun - Are the Nordic Countries at a Crossroads Between Management Agreements and Leases?

Hotel investment in the Nordics is dominated by a handful of regional investors and companies. Few brands have a major presence in the area, as the main barrier to entry is the preference for operational leases rather than management agreements.

Upscale Hotel Market, Brussels, Belgium

This article discusses the performance and investment environment of the upscale hotel market in Brussels over the last few years and presents our forecast of how it will perform in the coming years.

2011 Middle East Hotel Survey - Shifting Sands

The Middle East Hotel Survey 2011 includes 352 hotels and some 93,500 hotel rooms (an increase of 36% on last year) across 52 cities in the Middle East, making it one of the most reliable benchmarking surveys in the region.

Belize: A Small Hotel Market Poised for Growth

This article provides an overview of the Belizean tourism industry, while taking a closer look at the national lodging market and highlighting specific regions offering the greatest potential for hotel development.
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