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Como os hotéis mais bem sucedidos estão lidando com a atual crise economica

Os números indicam que os hotéis podem continuar aumentando suas diárias.

HVS United States Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2009

The 2009 U.S. Hotel Valuation Index (HVI), tracking 65 major markets and the United States as a whole, discusses the historical and projected impact of the credit crisis and resultant recession upon U.S. hotel values.

Apesar da crise, hotéis de São Paulo devem fechar 2009 com receita estável

O real impacto da crise econômica na hotelaria de São Paulo a partir da análise dos hotéis nos quais Fundo Imobiliário Hotel Maxinvest possui investimentos.

Athens, Greece - Upscale Hotels

This is the third in a series of articles that HVS publishes every month on a series of key markets. Our analysis is based on a customised sample of hotels provided by STR Global.

Barcelona, España - Panorámica del Mercado-29.09.09

The Spanish version of our market snapshot on Barcelona - the second in a series of articles that HVS will be producing on the hotel markets in a number of key cities, combining the market expertise of HVS with STR Global data for each city.

Abu Dhabi - Between The Hammer And The Anvil

Abu Dhabi is being forged into a global destination for business, culture and leisure. Current global economic conditions seem to be striking just when the iron is hot.

Barcelona, Spain - Market Snapshot

This is the second in a series of articles that HVS with STR Global data for each city. Our analysis is based on a sample of over 15,000 available daily rooms provided by STR Global.

The Recession's Effects on Seattle's Hotel Industry

The Emerald City, in recent years thought to be recession-proof, has lost a bit of luster in the national economic downturn.

Paris, France - Upscale and Luxury Market Snapshot

This is the first in a series of market snapshots that HVS will be producing every month for a series of key markets. The first to be selected is the Paris upscale and luxury market, which is based on a customised sample provided by STR Global.

Market Intelligence Report: Wilmington and Newark, Delaware

Downsizing, travel freezes, and facility closings have made the climate bleak for hotels in northern Delaware, but a slowdown in the introduction of new supply should help shore up penetration levels when business activity and demand growth resume.
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