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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Hotel Pricing Trends This Winter

As Indian hotels smarten up for business this winter, we look at some pricing trends that can be put to practice to allow recovery in business volumes and improved occupancy performance.

Detroit Market Intelligence Report

Unemployment is high, automakers are still in the red, and the city’s hotel industry hangs in the balance. But there’s more happening in Detroit than the statistics reveal.

Moscow, Russia - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is the fourth in a series of articles that HVS is producing every month with STR Global data for a number of key markets. Our analysis for this market is based on a sample of more than 9,000 rooms.

Market Snapshot - Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia is considered to be one of the five fastest-growing real estate markets in the world and one of the most competitive in terms of business costs. The city is being transformed, improving the travel infrastructure and promoting tourism.

Buenos Aires Market Snapshot

This is the first in a series of market snapshots that HVS Buenos Aires will be producing for booming markets within South America. The first to be selected is the Buenos Aires luxury and upper-upscale markets.

Santiago Market Snapshot

This is the second in a series of market snapshots that HVS Buenos Aires will be producing for different booming markets within South America. The second to be selected is the Santiago -Chile- luxury and upper-upscale markets.

Como os hotéis mais bem sucedidos estão lidando com a atual crise economica

Os números indicam que os hotéis podem continuar aumentando suas diárias.

HVS United States Hotel Valuation Index In-Depth Insights 2009

The 2009 U.S. Hotel Valuation Index (HVI), tracking 65 major markets and the United States as a whole, discusses the historical and projected impact of the credit crisis and resultant recession upon U.S. hotel values.

Apesar da crise, hotéis de São Paulo devem fechar 2009 com receita estável

O real impacto da crise econômica na hotelaria de São Paulo a partir da análise dos hotéis nos quais Fundo Imobiliário Hotel Maxinvest possui investimentos.
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