Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Recovery Potential and Investment Opportunities in GCC

Hala Matar Choufany, in her interview in Arabic on Al Arabiya News summarizes the current hospitality performance in the region as well as how the recovery path looks like.

The Importance of Diversity at all Levels of the Hospitality Industry

Companies in the hospitality industry are choosing to make diversity and inclusion a priority. By doing so, their organization best represents today’s market and also helps them attract and retain the best talent in the industry. Hiring a chief diversity officer, developing an inclusivity strategy, and connecting with their varied client base can ensure that diversity is being addressed at every level and companies are successfully achieving their goals.

HVS Monday Musings: Indian Hotels Sector – Performance in 2020

This article provides a summary of the Indian hotels sector's performance in 2020.

Hotel Sales Teams: 2020 is Behind Us but Not the Pandemic. Now What?

In Spring 2020, many hotels were forced to furlough most on-property Sales Managers because so much demand for hotels disappeared with the pandemic, requiring any remaining team members to be responsible for market segments which previously were not their responsibility. These remaining Sales Managers were forced to adapt to many other changes in a short time, including rescheduling/canceling events.

HVS Monday Musings: Being Frugal in 2021 – Is this One of the Lessons We Learned from the Pandemic?

Being frugal in every way possible is a key lesson learned by the hospitality sector during the pandemic. This article discusses some of the changes made at hotels during the pandemic.

Hospitality Tomorrow - Innovation, Leadership and Finding Your Mojo

Interview with Hala Matar Choufany about how to lead, engage and motivate, during Hospitality Tomorrow.

Redesigning Hospitality

Interview with Hala Matar Choufany on redesigning hospitality in the Middle East during the Gulf travel show.

An Eye on Africa

In Global Tourism Forum Hala Matar Choufany was moderating ''An Eye on Africa Hospitality and Investment Opportunities'' with Paul Gardiner, Bani Haddad and Ramsay Rankoussi.

The Transformation of Management Agreements

Hala Matar Choufany is in discussion with James Donald and Tara Marlow at AHIC on the road, on the transformation of management agreements and what the reaction has been from owners and operators.

Evolution of Hotel Management Agreements and Rise of Alternative Agreements

Hotels are complicated investments and evaluating the most suitable hotel operating model for a hotel investment is crucial to ensure that the owner’s return is optimized. This publication summarizes the evolution of a number key terms in the hotel management agreements and our outlook on how these key terms may evolve in the future, provides an overview of franchise agreements and highlights alternative agreements that are being considered by sophisticated owners in the Middle East region.
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