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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 1º trimestre de 2010

O levantamento preliminar do desempenho da hotelaria brasileira no 1º trimestre de 2010 indica continuidade na tendência observada desde o final de 2009, com forte crescimento da demanda em todos os mercados acompanhados, exceto em Salvador.

Adapt, Survive and Overcome

This article describes some of the opportunities that are being taken up in various hotel markets, with the aim of improving hotel trading conditions in the short term and a hotels’ positioning and competitiveness long after the recession is over

A Key Component to Asset Management - The Sales & Marketing Assessment

As part of the overall asset management strategy for a hotel asset, owners should certainly ask, “How can our sales and marketing efforts be more focused? Made more efficient and effective?”

Empty Beds in Luxury Accommodation

HVS is included in an article published by the Berliner Zeitung regarding the luxury hotel situation in the German capital and how it is being affected by the current financial crisis.

Canadian Lodging Outlook January 2009

Smart Revenue Management Techniques For 2009

Yield Management in 2009: How to Keep Your Hotel Up and Running in a Downturn

Yield management has always been a good idea for hotels, but one that recessed with years of record demand and record profits. Now that the downturn has many hotels fighting for survival, we need to bring yield management back to the foreground.

Putting the Past to Use: A Hotel Forecasting Tool for the Current Downturn

Most hotel operators are currently facing revenue losses. Using our store of historical data from the prior downturn, HVS has developed an analytic tool for use in projecting income and expense items through the downturn.
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