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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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2015 Hotel Cost Estimating Guide

HVS Design and Jonathan Nehmer + Associates (JN+A) are proud to announce the completion of the 2015 Hotel Cost Estimating Guide. The Guide is a comprehensive listing of capital expenditure construction and FF&E costs for hotel renovations in the USA.

HVS Perspectives on the All-Inclusive Product

Today's rising popularity of all-inclusive resorts is directly correlated to the value proposition for the guest. The resorts that offer customized products and services with personalized experiences are beneficial to both the owner and the customer.



Four Key Takeaways | CHRIS Conference 2015

Hoteliers at the CHRIS conference in Miami explored investment opportunities in the Caribbean, where several factors have led to a surge in hotel performance.

Fixed Expenses Aren't Really Fixed!

In most hotel P&Ls, usually towards the bottom, is a heading called Non-Operating Income and Expense, formerly known as Fixed Expenses. Few costs are uncontrollable in a hotel. There are simply some expenses which take longer to reduce than others!

Five Key Takeaways | ALIS Conference The Americas Lodging Investment Summit

Presentations and conversations at the 2015 ALIS conference touched on everything from new brands and supply to how falling oil prices, a rising dollar, and stability in the capital markets are affecting prospects for U.S. hotels.

HVS U.S. Hotel Development Cost Survey 2014/15

HVS annually researches development costs of actual hotel construction budgets, industry reports, and uniform franchise offering circulars. This 2014/15 survey reports updated per-room development costs in the U.S. through the end of 2014.

Three Key Takeaways | International Luxury Hotel Association Fast Forward 2020

During the International Luxury Hotel Association Fast Forward 2020, three hot topics emerged: lodging, authenticity, and luxury travel trends. This article discusses takeaways from the conference regarding these items.

In Focus - Health and Wellness Hotel Trends

The health and wellness travel segment is growing immensely, creating a market for hotels that cater to the health-conscious guest. The EVEN and Element hotel brands are pushing the envelope, with wellness built into their very design.

In Focus: The Hotel Industry of the Florida Panhandle

With hotel performance improving, supply in check, and tourism and commercial demand on the rise, hoteliers should pay close attention to possibilities in the Florida Panhandle.
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