Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
77 results
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Hotel Valuation Index : Africa

The HVI is the authoritative guide to U.S. hotel values, giving hotel stakeholders an educated edge in buying, selling, and holding opportunities. This online tool provides historical and projected values and RevPAR for the Africa market.

The Future of Investments and Financing - Hospitality Sector Trends

The hospitality sector is experiencing major transformations influenced by several key factors. As the industry grows, investors will prioritize opportunities that balance profitability with social and environmental responsibility, ensuring a dynamic and forward-thinking hospitality industry.

Board Leadership Forum

Hala offers insights into how boards drive company profitability, their crucial role in defining vision and strategy, and perspectives on growth and profitability in the MEA region.

The FHS Podcast: The Transformative Growth of Tourism in Saudi Arabia

The two leading women executives in hospitality discuss the critical Saudi traveller, the phenomenal growth of tourism in the region supported by data and how as the tourism industry booms in the region, it opens up a host of opportunities to set new benchmarks by challenging the status quo and bringing more women to the front.

Namibia - Where Sand Dunes Embrace the Atlantic

This article underscores Namibia's potential as a premier tourism destination, driven by its natural beauty, strategic initiatives, and increasing tourism contributions to the economy.

Turkey's Positive Outlook

Located at the intersection of Europe and Asia, Turkey’s hospitality industry continues to stand strong. Hala Matar Choufany, president for the Middle East, Africa and South Asia at HVS, tells us more.

HVS Monday Musings: Roaring Success and Silent Struggles: The Dynamics of Wildlife Tourism in India

Wildlife tourism in India is experiencing a strong comeback, evolving into a luxury experience. Eco-friendly accommodations have been leveraging this growing demand, offering distinctive experiences with minimal ecological impact. Read on to know more.

Africa on the Rise

While East Africa’s travel, tourism and hospitality sectors have faced various challenges in recent years, there are encouraging signs of growth, as Hala Matar Choufany, president - HVS Middle East, Africa and South Asia, points out.

HVS Global Hotel Industry: 2023 Recap and 2024 Outlook

As 2023 ends, regional HVS leaders across the globe take a look back at how the global hotel industry fared this year. Overall, operating metrics shined brightly, with revenue growth achieved in most global markets, while investment activity cooled. The investment market is expected to improve in 2024.

Charleston, SC: Making & Preserving History

Europeans first settled in the city that would become Charleston over 350 years ago. Charleston’s rich history is one of the drivers of its thriving tourism sector, which tallied 7.68 million visitors in 2022. In the hospitality industry, Charleston continues to make history, while local initiatives are also making strides to preserve it.

Building Hotels in a Challenging Environment | FHS 2023

Watch Hala Matar Choufany's discussion about the region's development of hotels, the existing challenges, and opportunities, at the 2023 Future Hospitality Summit
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