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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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O que considerar no momento de renovação de contratos

Saiba quais são alguns dos pontos importantes para renegociação de contratos junto a operadoras hoteleiras

Greening The Hills of Coorg - Club Mahindra, Kodagu Valley

This case study assesses the impact of environment friendly practices on a time share resort property in Coorg, India.

Design or Lifestyle? A Review of London's Boutique Hotel Scene

The eighties brought the world many design disasters, so it’s perhaps ironic that one of the most enduring hotel design trends was born in 1981, in London and San Francisco simultaneously.

HVS - Canadian Lodging Outlook June 2010

HST Impact on Hotel Operations

Middle East Hotel Survey 2010 - Reshuffling the Deck

HVS’s Middle East Hotel Survey for 2010 covers 259 hotels totaling 68,888 rooms. This year, we have included for the first time some additional submarkets, notably in the UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

A Competitividade do Turismo Brasileiro

A constituição de uma nova estrutura de governança, o Grupo Gestor do Destino, apresenta-se como uma iniciativa importante para melhorar o nível de competividade de uma localidade turística.

Panorama da Hotelaria Brasileira: prévia do 2º trimestre de 2010

O levantamento preliminar do desempenho da hotelaria brasileira no 2º trimestre de 2010 demonstra continuidade na recuperação do setor, observada desde o final de 2009. Houve crescimento da demanda e receita em todos os mercados acompanhados.

Is Your Hotel A Mess?

We've assumed management or done operational reviews of many hotels. So we’ve had the opportunity for an intimate look at the workings of all types of hotels. We’ve noticed some commonalities we think are symptomatic—and, therefore, instructive

HVS Hotel Market Intelligence Report: Portland, Oregon

Wounded by the strikes against the national economy, Portland’s hotel market has suffered since 2008. But the city’s resourcefulness and diverse commercial and government base should help it make the most of an economic recovery.

Os Melhores Mercados para Investir em Hotéis

Diante de um período de euforia econômica no país, o investidor hoteleiro deve ter cautela para escolher o melhor mercado a ingressar. Entenda por que mercados com barreiras de entrada a novos hotéis costumam ser os mais atraentes para se investir.
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