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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
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Why the Management Team Should Be Important to Hotel Lenders

Lenders that orignate hotel loans without thoroughly investigating the quality of the management company or managment team are overlooking one of the most important components of a hotel investment.

How Do High Intererst Rates Affect Your Motel's Value?

Anyone who has attempted to obtain financing during the last twelve months realizes that the cost of borrowing has reached record heights.

Making Alan Greenspan Your Partner

Part of your hotel's value is controlled by the Federal Reserve, which can raise or lower the sales price of your hotel investment at their whim.

Six Things To Consider Before Obtaining A Hotel Franchise

With a number of hotel companies offering franchises, the selection process can become a complicated cost benefit analysis. Steve Rushmore gives you some important items to consider.

Private Residence Clubs - Exclusivity Within The Leisure Market

As demand in today’s luxury residential real estate market continues to increase, private residence clubs (“PRCs”) are offering fractional real estate owners the best of several worlds...

Timeshare 101: The Interval Ownership Explosion

Steve Rushmore's July 2001 Hotels article.

The Tsunami Devastation - Indonesia Takes The Challenge

As the struggle goes on to recover from the aftermath of the biggest earthquake ever seen, where there can be no underestimating the scale of the human devastation wrought by Asia's horrific tsunamis, and yet the overall economic impact is minimal.
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