Publications & Events

HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
288 results
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Stockholm, Sweden - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles produced every month on key hotel markets aiming to combine the market expertise of HVS with STR Global data. Our analysis is based on data for a sample of 100 mainly branded properties.

Istanbul, Turkey - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles that HVS is producing every month on a series of key market with STR Global data. Our analysis for this market is based on data for a sample of 37 mainly branded properties.

Le Tour d’Europe - The Race for Recovery

Highlights of the recent changes in the 36 European markets analysed in the HVS annual European Hotel Valuation Index, in terms of trading performance and transactions, as well as an indication of the anticipated hotel values by the end of 2010

Hotel Development Bottlenecks in Russia

As investors are looking to get into Russian hotel markets, they will no doubt be cautious. Hotel development can be quite a complex process. What are the main bottlenecks potential investors could face when developing hotels in Russia?

The Art & Science of Hotel Valuation in an Economic Downturn

In this article we demonstrate how distressed values are at least 15-20% lower than Market Values. Hence, the importance of making sure that the value doesn’t penalise the medium-term performance of the asset by assuming distressed market conditions.

Informe Mercado Hotelero Madrid 2010

Informe sobre el mercado hotelero en Madrid 2010 Hoteles en Madrid - ¿En Vías de Recuperación?

Branded Budget Hotels In Europe - A Development Guide

This article provides an up-to-date overview of the budget hotel sector in Europe including useful guidelines on the space requirements, design and cost factors associated with their development and a review of the latest brand names and standards.

Market Intelligence Report-Madrid 2010

Madrid City Hotels - On the Rocky Road to Recovery?

Design or Lifestyle? A Review of London's Boutique Hotel Scene

The eighties brought the world many design disasters, so it’s perhaps ironic that one of the most enduring hotel design trends was born in 1981, in London and San Francisco simultaneously.

Warsaw, Poland - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is part of a series of articles that HVS is producing every month on a series of key markets with STR Global data for each key market. Our analysis is based on data for a sample of more than 7,500 rooms.
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