This is the third in a series of articles that HVS publishes every month on a series of key markets. Our analysis is based on a customised sample of hotels provided by STR Global.
The Spanish version of our market snapshot on Barcelona - the second in a series of articles that HVS will be producing on the hotel markets in a number of key cities, combining the market expertise of HVS with STR Global data for each city.
HVS Hodges Ward Elliott has analyzed the major fundamentals of the hotel industry and current trends in other sectors of commercial real estate to determine how investors can capitalize on the current market.
This is the second in a series of articles that HVS with STR Global data for each city. Our analysis is based on a sample of over 15,000 available daily rooms provided by STR Global.
This is the first in a series of market snapshots that HVS will be producing every month for a series of key markets. The first to be selected is the Paris upscale and luxury market, which is based on a customised sample provided by STR Global.
An overview of the hotel market in Milan
The report highlights the peculiarities of the tourism industry on the island of Sardinia in Italy through an analysis of its main performance indicators.
HVS’s London office released the latest edition of the Hotel Valuation Index (HVI). The survey shows that on average hotel values across Europe, measured in euro, showed the first annual fall in value since 2003.
The Geneva hotel market is fundamentally prosperous and stable. Commercial demand in the city is driven mainly by the many international and government organisations and by banking institutions in and around Geneva.
The article analyses the history of the Greek Marina Industry and addresses its current state in comparison to other competitive countries.