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56 results

2013 Middle East Hotel Survey Maximum Supportable Investments

The 2013 Middle East Hotel Survey provides market aggregate, key performance indicators reinforcing the resilience of the region, moreover offering investors an indication of maximum supportable development costs when undertaking hotel investments.

Dubai Under the Microscope

Recent macroeconomic figures suggest a growth in GDP resulting in further strengthening of the country’s economy. The Dubai hotel market witnessed a significant increase in performance wherein some submarkets recorded double-digit RevPAR growth.

2012 Middle East Hotel Survey - The Impact of the Arab Spring

The 2012 Middle East Hotel Survey highlights regional macroeconomics, visitation characteristics, performance indicators and major developments, reinforcing the resilience of the region, poised for recovery and development despite the Arab Spring.

2011 Middle East Hotel Survey - Shifting Sands

The Middle East Hotel Survey 2011 includes 352 hotels and some 93,500 hotel rooms (an increase of 36% on last year) across 52 cities in the Middle East, making it one of the most reliable benchmarking surveys in the region.

Middle East Hotel Survey 2010 - Reshuffling the Deck

HVS’s Middle East Hotel Survey for 2010 covers 259 hotels totaling 68,888 rooms. This year, we have included for the first time some additional submarkets, notably in the UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Hotels in MENA: How Much Can You Invest?

We attempt to provide a guideline of “maximum supportable hotel investments” across Middle East and North Africa, reflecting current hotel market dynamics for the cities addressed.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Market Snapshot

This market snapshot is the fifth in a series of articles that HVS will be producing every month on a series of key markets with STR Global. Our analysis for this market is based on a sample of more than 25,800 rooms, as provided by STR Global .

Abu Dhabi - Between The Hammer And The Anvil

Abu Dhabi is being forged into a global destination for business, culture and leisure. Current global economic conditions seem to be striking just when the iron is hot.

Developing a Sustainable Dubai

This article examines the hotel market in Dubai. It comments on the historic performance as well as focusing on the apparent sustainability of Dubai’s hotel market as it stood before the financial crisis.

Kuwait Market Snapshot

An overview of the Kuwait hotel market