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HVS ANAROCK Hotels & Hospitality Overview, January 2024

This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.

ALIS 2024 HVS Takeaways: Upbeat, Optimistic, and an Eye on Innovation

HVS was a proud sponsor of this year’s ALIS conference, where the sentiment was upbeat and optimistic for the year ahead. This article provides our key takeaways from the conference.

Hotel Industry Outlook 2024: Moving Steadily Forward

With inflation decelerating, fears of a recession receding, and supply growth muted, the overall outlook for U.S. hotel metrics in 2024 is one of modest, steady growth. The investment market is also showing increased signs of life, as inflationary concerns are diminishing and interest rates are improving modestly.

Brooklyn Continues to Blossom in the Post-Pandemic Period

All five New York City boroughs were heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The strength of Brooklyn as a commercial center is partly attributed to the downtown core, distinct neighborhoods, public green spaces, and ease of access to/from Manhattan. These factors, combined with the availability of developable land, have continued to boost the Brooklyn market, especially in the post-pandemic period.

Little Rock, Arkansas: New Developments and Opportunities for Hotels

The Little Rock hotel market has rebounded and is expected to remain strong given the current and future developments and opportunities in the area.

Hospitality in the Middle East

Hala's contribution as one of the leading world experts in the "Business and Management Collection" from Henry Stewart Talks on the topic of Hospitality in the Middle East

Resilience Renewed: The Transformation of Portland’s Hotel Market

In 2023, Portland's hotel demand faced setbacks from public safety concerns and absorption of new hotel supply. However, initiatives like the Hotel Security District and a government task force addressing homelessness signaled change. The opening of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel & Residences and several upcoming events contribute to a cautiously optimistic 2024 outlook.

HVS Monday Musings: Roaring Success and Silent Struggles: The Dynamics of Wildlife Tourism in India

Wildlife tourism in India is experiencing a strong comeback, evolving into a luxury experience. Eco-friendly accommodations have been leveraging this growing demand, offering distinctive experiences with minimal ecological impact. Read on to know more.

Boston Hotel Market Update: Ten Things to Know

Boston is back. The three key demand channels have returned to an approximation of their pre-pandemic levels (conventions and business travel up, leisure down), and the city’s RevPAR has improved to third in the nation, supplanting Miami and various West Coast rivals. Here are ten things to know about the city.

HVS ANAROCK Hotels & Hospitality Overview, December 2023

This is a monthly industry update that highlights the key trends in the Indian hospitality industry.
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