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HVS provides thousands of articles on all aspects of hospitality, including hotel valuations, investing, lending, operations, asset management, and much more.
7 results

Paris Market Pulse 2024 – Going for Gold

Snapshot of the Paris hotel market in 2024 with an exploration of tourism demand, hotel performance, hotel supply, the investment market and the market outlook.

Little Rock, Arkansas: New Developments and Opportunities for Hotels

The Little Rock hotel market has rebounded and is expected to remain strong given the current and future developments and opportunities in the area.

Detroit Lodging Market: On the Road to Recovery

The Detroit lodging market continues the road to recovery, with RevPAR levels nearing pre-pandemic levels due to the ADR rebound. Improving economic conditions, multiple large-scale developments, and the continued popularity of Detroit as a leisure destination are expected to support occupancy growth throughout 2023.

Red-Hot Growth in an Ice-Cold Land: An Overview of Iceland's Hotel Market

Iceland has seen explosive tourism growth since 2010. Summer's midnight sun, Winter's Northern Lights and year-round natural beauty have kept the tourists coming, resulting in strong hotel performance and a booming sharing economy.

In Focus: Hampton Roads, VA

Though on the verge of an influx of new hotel supply, demand in Hampton Roads has risen in recent years, improving occupancy and allowing hoteliers to command better rates.

In Focus: Denver, CO

Denver’s growth this year reflects what many hotel developers and owners have been witnessing—as a market for jobs, business, and development, Denver continues to outperform.

HVS Market Intelligence Report: Houston, Texas

Once thought of as a big oil town, Houston’s vast array of new developments are taking off throughout "Space City."